Investment environment of the country improved

According to prime minister's private industry and investment advisor, Salman F Rahman, the overall condition in investment environment of the country has improved over the last couples of years.

About 62% Japanese companies and businesses which are present in Bangladesh expressed desire to expand their business horizon in Bangladesh which is a big plus point, according to the prime minister's advisor and one of the most successful Bangladeshi businessman.

After taking the responsibility of being the advisor to prime minister on Bangladesh's private industry and investment Salman F Rahman has been working tirelessly to overcome all the weaknesses and shortcomings that Bangladesh has. He's efforts have improved the investment environment of the country.

Bangladesh's GDP size reached 460 billion US dollars. It was made possible because of the prime minister Sheikh Hasina dedication to uplift the country's economy into the global standard. Under the prime ministers leadership salmon f Rahman took several impactful initiatives that made Bangladesh air investment friendly country. From the current position Bangladesh has the chance to increase its level of domestic and foreign investment and uplift the growth trajectory.

Bangladesh in the last 15 years has improved its infrastructure and logistic along with straightening its financial system and enhancing regulatory frameworks.

The government largely emphasis on credibility capability and consistency. It worked well.

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