Doing Business in Bangladesh - guide


The external surface of containers must display the port and consignee’s mark. The container must also be numbered in accordance to its packing lists unless its contents promptly recognized. Buyers must lead the exporters. For containers weighing more than one ton should have stenciled gross weight on its two sides and top. Every container that holds pesticides should be marked with the accurate official name of the contents. It should also come with good condition and display a cautionary note with instructions for safe use and handling of the contents. The manufacturer’s name, quantity, and net weight of the contents must be indicated on the container.

All imported goods must display the country of origin in huge and legible letters in English preferably, in its container or label. Chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, pharmaceutical, milk foods, and drugs are subject to the regulations on special marking and packaging requirements.


Packaging of goods must be durable and should endure against humidity in rainy season, extreme heat in summer, and possible disclosed storage area. The handling instructions on the package should be expressed in English language or in self-explanatory representation. Packing materials that are possible carrier of diseases should not be used for packaging. For straw or hay, materials to be used in packing may need special certificates.

Special Certificates

Seeds, plants, and livestock entail health certificate issued by authorized entities. Except potatoes, fruits and vegetables are not included in this requirement. For imported products such as edible oil, milk products, milk food, animal feed products, poultry, and other food items, are required to submit radioactivity test report and certification that the products are appropriate for human consumption. This requirement is mandated by the local government of Bangladesh. Moreover, leaf tobacco is also essential to submit certification that will prove the product is unbound from pest known as ephestia elutell. The certification must also prove that the pest does not subsist in the country of origin.

For used clothing products, a certificate of fumigation is required. Packing materials such as hay or straw may require certificate asserting that it is free from diseases and of insects. Pharmaceuticals and drugs demand for a special certificate and copies of descriptive/technical literature, which will be facilitated by the manufacturers.

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